To Elliott: My Three Month Baby "Bug"
Ellie, you were not interested in smiling for your 3 month "Onnie the Doll" session. However, you are interested in your in your mouth all the time. So I didn't fight it, I thought it represented you more at this moment. You started Grandma Day Care and are doing great. Here are a few 3 month memories:
When riding in the car and sleepy, you want to hold my hand until you fall asleep. Though I am painfully contorting my hand, its super sweet.
Your dad loves LOVES to make you laugh. Like tears in his eyes loves it.
You are getting on a better schedule. You eat every three hours during the day. I swear its like a buzzer goes off in your tummy. You could be sound asleep and BAM...your eye shoot open and you are looking around thrashing your head. I am imaging you saying; "Three hours is up, where is the food? WHERE. IS. THE. FOOD?".
You are smiling at Bentley...yet I still get the feeling you still have no clue what that furry thing is. We are learning to pet him and teaching you that Bennie has crazy furry hair.
You hated your you love it. Thank goodness. It has been a lifesaver and I have both my arms back.
Lyell: She looks different today?
Me: She looks older!
Lyell: I don't even think I would recognize her on the streets.
I still don't like cutting your nails. I have bought three different kind of nail clippers with no avail.
This past week you have scratched your nose three times.
You love your loveies. You HAVE to sleep with at least one.
You have learned how to rub your eyes when you are tired. Its so cute. Such a little thing, but amazing how I get to watch you learn it all.
Sometimes you go cross-eyed when you stair at your hands.
We have let you watch some TV now. You were bent over backwards trying to look if we turned it on anyway.